Gerrymandering: A Puzzle Shapes Game

This was a two-person project over winter quarter in DES 290, an open-ended critique class. I was partnered with Adam Taylor.
We have a shared interest in politics and are both frustrated by gerrymandering, a particularly egregious scheme to effect the outcome of the House of Representatives.
Our puzzle shapes games is based off of the ubiquitous shape games for toddlers, which are incredibly easy to do…for adults.
Using this expected ease as our premise, we used statistical analysis from to represent Michigan in 2 ways:
an extreme Republican gerrymander and an extreme Democratic gerrymander. The result: both puzzles are incredibly difficult to put together. The goal is to show how absurd and impactful gerrymandering can be when big data can effectively isolate voter tendencies down to individual blocks.

(Apologies, still need to upload photos, working on this!)

January 16, 2019
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